Hello all,
A heads up that our next cruise is tentatively set for Saturday, February 15th. This ought to be another fun one, and we hope that lots of you ladies will be present to enjoy the activities!
Planning is underway and this cruise will be to the New Braunfels area, where we will take over the lanes at Fiesta Lanes, eat at TJ's burgers or Freiheit Country Store and then end up at Guadalupe Brewing Company for some beers! We'll begin from our regular meeting place at the Wimberley City Hall and take backroads in to New Braunfels. And we can start this a little later than usual (about 10:30 ) so you can get some more beauty rest before getting underway.
It is hard to know what the weather might be like this time of year, so let's plan on this being a rain or shine event (meaning if it is raining you can drive you daily driver.)
We'll put up an update when we get the planning completed, but put this one your calendars. I bet we're going to have a great time!
Thanks all.
Sounds good, Mike. See you there!
Hey Jay,
IIs this still a "go"? Haven't noticed any updates or comments since Feb 1st.
Sounds like another great cruise. Count me in.
Sounds great! Count us in.