OK Boys and Girls, we going to have our first "Cruise to Eat" run!!!
Its time for some good weather, so let's keep our fingers crossed. This is an informal "have fun" event, so bring the vehicle you can and if you don't have time to spit shine it, we will still have fun! Wives are encouraged to attend.
This run will leave from Wimberley Brookshire Bothers parking lot on February 16th, and at 11:00 am. (Please try to get to the Brookshire Brothers about 15 minutes early so we can leave on time.)
Our cruise will ultimately be to Pecan Street Brewery in Johnson City, via member Doug Chambers shop at 8101 Hwy 290 W., Dripping Springs. The route will be RR 2325 to RR 165, then North up to Hwy 290 and west a short run to Doug's. He's got a very interesting place which he has decorated with his own art and murals. It's about 26 miles to his shop and should take about 30 minutes.
After a comfort break and a thorough look at his handiwork we will make our way on to Pecan Street Brewery in Johnson City via Hwy 290 and this segment should take about 15 minutes. The Cafe there has a varied menu of choices at reasonable prices, and of course beers for those that have dry throats. Again this gives us an opportunity to share some time and conversation while seeing some of our beautiful hills and a couple of interesting destinations. Departure from Pecan Street and the route home will be up to the participants though some may want to caravan. (If February 16th has lousy weather we'll scrub the run and try the next Saturday, February 23rd.)
The best way to keep up with planning for this run is to choose "follow post" up at the top of this page, so you will automatically receive updates. Feel free to leave comments, questions and especially please indicate if you are planning on participating by responding to this post!
Laura and I want to thank Doug (and Jay - yeah, we know -you didn't do anything) for a terrific first Cruise To Eat. The route was great, the lunch venue was excellent and our visit to Doug's shop was a nice cap to the afternoon. We even got some much needed sunshine. Best part was getting to know each other a bit better. We'll be looking forward to more cruises soon!
Hi Everyone! The weather is going to be perfect for our cruise tomorrow!!
Everything is looking good for our departure from Brookshire Brothers at 11:00 tomorrow, Saturday, February 16th.
Pecan Street Brewery is going to be busy but they promise they can accommodate us. We may go there first and then go to Doug's Shop afterward, and that will be decided when we all meet at Brookshire Brothers.
Bring your wife, boyfriend or whatever and we will see you in the morning. Guests are welcome! And we are looking forward to it!
Looking forward to it. Fingers crossed for great weather!
I am planning on being there. Thanks for setting this up.
Can we meet at the restaurant, without caravaning to Dripping?
I'll be there, thanks for organizing it Jay and thanks to Doug for hosting us.
And I will be there. I'm real interested to see Doug's shop. And I will have a beer on occasion!
We will be there! Probably bringing our little grandson too. He's old enough to try a beer.